ASCO INSTRUMENTS vous présente la toute nouvelle VAR18-X, dernière née de la gamme air respirable parmi nos analyseurs d'air respirable normés EN12021.
Cet analyseur de format réduit, n'altère en rien la qualité des mesures de sa grande soeur la VAR18.
La VAR18-X est conçue pour contrôler la qualité de l'air respirable dans les réseaux d'air comprimé à espace réduit, et pour voyager sur les sites à contrôler.
Son atout majeur : sa taille !
Elle se glisse partout, peut être transportée en cabine lors de déplacements en avion, bateau, théatre d'opérations, sous marins et bâtiments de surface (sans l'option batterie, sur secteur 230v) et assure la qualité de mesure d'une VAR18 classique grande taille, à roulette.
Elle se distingue également dans ce format par un écran 7 pouces tactileet couleur, facile à manipuler, et à lire. La VAR18-X est également capable d'assurer les mesures en continu capot supérieur fermé, ce qui était attendu pour les opérations en milieu poussiéreux notamment.
The VAR18 analyser has been designed to monitor the quality of breathing air in compressed air networks.
It is available in a case or cabinet. Measured values comply with standard EN12021.
Features :
Special features :
Checks in accordance with Standard EN 12021
MICROVAR350EC has been designed to monitor the quality of breathing air leaving the compressor.
An economical, reliable product with low maintenance costs.
Features :
Special features :
The HORA 130 has been specially designed to monitor air quality on mobile units.
The IP54-protected rigid rubber case means it can be used in extreme conditions.
This equipment continuously monitors concentrations of CO, CO2, O2, humidity and oil vapours/COV.
A built-in SD card and a communication port allow you to retrieve the measured values.
Set designed for continuous measurement of gases such as CH4, H2S, CO, etc. in enclosures, tanks, sewers, silos, etc.
Polyester sampling box for use in safe areas, comprising :
Sample processing includes :
Options available:
The BIOX unit consists of two cabinets for continuous biogas measurement.
An electrical box, to be placed in a safe area, consisting of a PLC with a color touch screen, enables :
An ATEX-certified cabinet with the following components:
The portable catharometer is a robust device for helium sniffing measurements. Particularly appreciated by operational teams during tests and qualifications, the PORTABLE CATHAROMETER is delivered in a rigid case with its accessories. It offers the following functions:
EPPE-SEGRIF and ASCO Instruments, partners and subsidiaries of CFD, offer a range of instruments, analysers and sensors in several sectors :
ASCO Instruments distributes its products worldwide through a network of specialist resellers and direct to industrial and key account customers.
Our team is at your service every day to give you the advice and recommendations you need to use our analysers in each of your projects. Don't hesitate to contact us via our website or by telephone from Monday to Friday.
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The confidentiality of our activities
Traceability of our products and services
Developing the skills of our employees
Respect for delivery deadlines
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